Complicated relationship between autism with regression and epilepsy.

: We retrospectively evaluated a set of 205 children with autism and compared it to the partial sub-set of 71 (34.6%) children with a history of regression. From 71 children with regression, signs of epileptic processes were present in 43 (60.6%), 28 (65.12%) suffered clinical epileptic seizures, and 15 (34.9%) just had an epileptiform abnormality on the EEG. In our analysis, autistic regression is substantially more associated with epileptic process symptoms than in children with autism and no history of regression. More than 90% of children with a history of regression also show IQ < 70 and reduced functionality. Functionality and IQ further worsens with the occurrence of epileptic seizures (98% of children with regression and epilepsy have IQ < 70). We proved that low IQ and reduced functionality significantly correlate rather with epileptic seizures than just sub-clinical epileptiform abnormality on EEG. Clinical epileptic seizures associated with regression significantly influence the age of regression and its clinical type. The age of regression is higher compared to children with regression without epileptic seizures (in median: 35 months of age in patients with seizures while only 24 months in other patients). Patients with seizures revealed regression after 24th months of age in 68% of cases, while patients without seizures only in 27%. However, coincidence with epilepsy also increased the occurrence of regression before the 18th month of age (23% of patients), while only 4% of patients without epilepsy revealed regression before the 18th month. Epileptic seizures are significantly associated especially with behaviour regression rather than speech regression or regression in both behaviour and speech. Also epileptic seizures diagnosed before correct diagnosis of autism were significantly associated with delayed regression (both behavioural and speech regression).

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