ISSN: 0172-780X; ISSN-L: 0172-780X; Electronic/Online ISSN: 2354-4716
Web of Knowledge / Web of Science: Neuroendocrinol Lett
Pub Med / Medline: Neuro Endocrinol Lett
Neuroendocrinology Letters is an international, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal covering the fields of Neuroendocrinology, Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Neuropsychopharmacology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Reproductive Medicine, Chronobiology, Human Ethology and related fields for RAPID publication of Original Papers, Review Articles, State-of-the-art, Clinical Reports and other contributions from all the fields covered by Neuroendocrinology Letters.
Papers from both basic research (methodology, molecular and cellular biology, anatomy, histology, biology, embryology, teratology, normal and pathological physiology, biophysics, pharmacology, pathology and experimental pathology, biochemistry, neurochemistry, enzymology, chronobiology, receptor studies, endocrinology, immunology and neuroimmunology, animal physiology, animal breeding and ethology, human ethology, psychology and others) and from clinical research (neurology, psychiatry and child psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, endocrinology, immunology, cardiovascular studies, internal medicine, oncology and others) will be considered.
Manuscripts for consideration for publication, according to the Instructions for Authors should be submitted in plain native English via submission page.
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SciSearch® (also known as Science Citation Index-Expanded), ISI, PA, USA
ISI Alerting Services (includes Research Alert®), ISI, PA, USA
Web of Science / Web of Knowledge
Neurosciences Citation Index® (on compact disk), ISI, PA, USA
MEDLINE/Index Medicus
Embase/Excerpta Medica
Chemical Abstracts
Index Copernicus
Copyright © 2017 Neuroendocrinology Letters
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Affiliated with: · Society of Integrated Sciences · Internationale Gesellschaft für angewandte Präventionsmedizin I-GAP, Vienna · Neuroscience Institute, State University of New York · St. Elisabeth University College of Health and Social Sciences.