Modulation of antioxidative response in the therapy of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

  Vol. 30 (Suppl 1) 2009 Neuro endocrinology letters Journal Article   2009; 30(Suppl 1): 32-35 PubMed PMID:  20027141    Citation  Keywords:  Antioxidants:metabolism, Cardiovascular Diseases:metabolism, Humans, Hypertension:metabolism,.   

OBJECTIVES: This paper reviews and compares major approaches and strategies to modulation of antioxidative response in the therapy of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

DESIGN: There are two major strategies of modulation of antioxidative response in hypertension and cardiovascular diseases: (i) modulation of NO levels by NOS stimulation, increase of NO bioavailability, administration of NO, and NOS gene incorporation; (ii) scavenging of superoxide and suppression of oxidative stress by activation of antioxidant gene expression or by suppression of selected genes by RNA silencing. These strategies are accomplished by several concepts, including (1) delivery of external agents, (2) antioxidant gene therapy and RNA silencing, and (3) combined therapies and approaches.

CONCLUSION: Combined therapies and approches often achieve multiplicative effects and are the most promising attitude in antioxidant-oriented therapy of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

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