Flavour and identification threshold detection overview of Slovak adepts for certified testing.

OBJECTIVES: During certification process of sensory assessors of Slovak certification body we obtained results for basic taste thresholds and lifestyle habits.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: 500 adult people were screened during experiment with food industry background. For analysis of basic and non basic tastes, we used standardized procedure of ISO 8586-1:1993.

RESULTS: In flavour test experiment, group of (26-35 y.o) produced the lowest error ratio (1.438), highest is (56+ y.o.) group with result (2.0). Average error value based on gender for women was (1.510) in comparison to men (1.477). People with allergies have the average error ratio (1.437) in comparison to people without allergies (1.511). Non-smokers produced less errors (1.484) against the smokers (1.576). Another flavour threshold identification test detected differences among age groups (by age are values increased). The highest number of errors made by men in metallic taste was (24%) the same as made by women (22%). Higher error ratio made by men occurred in salty taste (19%) against women (10%). Analysis detected some differences between allergic/non-allergic, smokers/non-smokers groups.

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