Complete objective response of oesophageal squamocellular carcinoma to biological treatment.

: The synergetic use of Somatostatin, Melatonin, Retinoids, Vitamins C, D3, and E, Calcium, sulphated Aminoglucosides, and minimum doses of cyclophosphamide in a 70-year old male patient with inoperable scarcely differentiated oesophageal carcinoma, has provided, from the beginning of treatment in 1995 to the present date, an excellent quality of life, as well as a cure with functional recovery. This paper discusses the rationale and molecular action mechanisms of the treatment which has a differentiating, apoptotic anti-proliferation effect, preserving and enhancing, unlike chemo- and/or radiotherapy, both the trophic and functional capacity of organs and tissues, and immunity and antiblastic homeostasis. This result confirms the efficacy of this biological multiple treatment (MDB); it is also in line with the positive results already published on the use of MDB in low-grade NHL (66) and in stage 3 or 4 lung carcinomas (53). The MDB, with no need for hospitalisation, no toxicity and without in the least reducing working activity, gradually and slowly reduced, and then eliminated the tumour formation. According to the author, reporting this case is useful in order to call for greater interest in the possibilities offered to oncology by the MDB biological and receptor treatment.

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