Imagery in cognitive behavioral supervision
OBJECTIVE: This article describes the role of imagery in supervision which is a part of the work of both the supervisee and the su.....
Prasko J, Dicevicius D, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Albertina M, Bagdonaviciene L, Juskiene A.
Journal Article 2020; 41(1): 33-45 PubMed PMID: 32305052 CitationOBJECTIVE: This article describes the role of imagery in supervision which is a part of the work of both the supervisee and the su.....
Prasko J, Dicevicius D, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Albertina M, Bagdonaviciene L, Juskiene A. Imagery in cognitive behavioral supervision Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2020 Apr; 41(1): 33-45
Prasko J, Dicevicius D, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Albertina M, Bagdonaviciene L, Juskiene A.
Journal Article 2020; 41(1): 33-45 PubMed PMID: 32338851 CitationOBJECTIVE: This article describes the role of imagery in supervision which is a part of the work of both the supervisee and the supervisor.....
Prasko J, Dicevicius D, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Albertina M, Bagdonaviciene L, Juskiene A. Imagery in cognitive behavioral supervision. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2020 Apr; 41(1): 33-45
Prasko J, Vanek J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Abeltina M, Burkauskas J, Grambal A, Bagdonaviciene L.
Journal Article 2023; 44(2): 74-85 PubMed PMID: 37182229 Citation: Role-play helps the supervisor present a moment of therapy, and reflect on what has happened to the therapist to the patient and further.....
Prasko J, Vanek J, Ociskova M, Krone I, Slepecky M, Abeltina M, Burkauskas J, Grambal A, Bagdonaviciene L. Role-playing in cognitive behavioral supervision. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2023 Apr; 44(2): 74-85
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Vanek J, Burkauskas J, Liska R, Sollar T, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Bagdonaviciene L, Ociskova M.
Case Reports 2023; 44(4): 234-255 PubMed PMID: 37466063 Citation: Cognitive-behavioural therapists and trainees are encouraged to undergo supervision when offering therapy to troubled clients and to pro.....
Prasko J, Abeltina M, Krone I, Gecaite-Stonciene J, Vanek J, Burkauskas J, Liska R, Sollar T, Juskiene A, Slepecky M, Bagdonaviciene L, Ociskova M. Problems in Cognitive-Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2023 Jul; 44(4): 234-255