Doppler velocimetry of the materno-fetal circulation in preterm delivered pregnancies complicated with hypertension.

BACKGROUND: Hypertension is one of the most frequent complications of pregnancy. Due to high risk of morbidity and mortality in both mothers and children, it is necessary to continuously monitor the pregnancy, principally with biophysical methods. Particularly, doppler velocimetry of the materno-fetal circulation proves useful. THE AIM of the study was to assess the usefulness of doppler test in monitoring the condition of the foetus in preterm delivered pregnancy complicated with hypertension.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The retrospective analysis comprised the data of 116 women who delivered prematurely at the Clinics of the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the Collegium Medicum of the Jagiellonian University in the years 2006-2007, resulting in creation of Group I involving 38 pregnant women with preeclampsia, and Group II of 36 women whose pregnancy was complicated with gestational hypertension. Control group was formed of 42 women with correct arterial blood pressure. When describing the groups, the differences in the birth weight and Apgar score were indicated.

RESULTS: A significant statistical difference was found in the area of pulsation rate in the umbilical artery and cerebro-placental ratio (CPR). In the case of preterm delivery complicated with arterial pressure disorders, the foetus is characterised with worse organic perfusion and slower somatic growth than if no concomitant hypertension is present. Hypertension forms an additional risk factor in the course of preterm delivery, and doppler velocimetry is a good method for monitoring the condition of the foetus, as it allows for detection of irregularities and for implementation of relevant treatment to improve the newborn's condition at birth.

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